Category Archives: HR Books

201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview

Getting a job has become more treacherous for a job seeker today than at any time in recent memory. In other words, if you want a job today, you may actually have to work for it.

Few years ago, the job interview was an opportunity for candidates to present their demands and screen the best offers. Today the tide has turned and employers are running the show again. It’s no longer enough to be qualified. If you want a job in today’s business environment, you have to shine in the job interview.

There is a very effective and proven way to really shine is by asking questions. Questions are the best way for you to demonstrate that you understand the company’s challenges, emphasize how you can help the company meet them, and show your interest in the most unmistakable manner possible—by actually asking for the position. The book ” 201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview” will help arm you with new interview questions and techniques for selling yourself and getting the job you want. You can download it from the following link:

201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview




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